Services Overview
In addition to training and development programs, we offer the following services for your organization:
KEYNOTE SPEECHES – we offer a handful of powerful keynote speech topics, or we will customize a keynote to your needs
EXECUTIVE COACHING – We provide one-on-one coaching sessions for executives
CONFERENCE EVENTS - we have extraordinary programs for your next conference. We provide engaging events with real business value for groups as large as 2,000 people. We also organize, facilitate and present at conference events for the whole conference body and/or breakout groups
CONSULTING - we provide consulting to address your key business issues and your key people issues
FACILITATION – in addition to facilitating our numerous programs, we also provide top level facilitation for organizations that require facilitation. Training is available for individuals and groups of training professionals, at all levels, who wish to advance their facilitation skills. We also help trainers within organizations using our programs obtain knowledge, licensing and skills to be accredited to facilitate On The Mark programs.