What is Barking Dogs?
Barking Dogs is a workshop focused on helping Leaders at all levels “Major on the Majors” and not get caught up in “Majoring on the Minors”.  In other words, it is designed to help leaders identify and learn how to stay focused on their key priorities.  Through a variety of tools and techniques, Barking Dogs helps them avoid getting caught up in the multitude of distractions and low priority items that they often unwittingly allow to hijack their finite time and precious focus.

What Happens in Barking Dogs?
Participants will identify the time and focus ‘thieves’ they regularly encounter in their day to day activities. They will learn a wide variety of strategies to make sure they guard and use their time and focus to deliver on the business priorities that make the most difference in their ability to get results.

Areas of Focus and Corresponding Strategies

  • Day Planning

  • Saying No

  • Guarding your time

  • Maximizing meeting value

  • Minimizing meeting time

  • Scheduling to reflect your priorities

  • Managing your distractions

  • Managing your physical surroundings

  • Managing email

  • Time and focus techniques

Barking Dogs can be used to:

  • Dramatically maximize your leaders’ output and productivity

  • Reduce stress and increase leadership ease


Barking Dogs can be run with any size group and is a half day program.

There is also a 1 hour keynote available.