Pull Conversation Panels

Note:  The Pull Conversation program is a pre-requisite to Pull Conversation Panels

Pull Conversation Panels is a structured process allows your people to interact with key internal and/or external business partners, or customers, using Pull Conversation tools to overcome challenges, improve business outcomes and increase ease in key relationships.  It is often used to find ‘a better way forward’ that works for both parties while significantly increasing two-way understanding. This process has proven successful, both with key business partners and with external customers.  This can be a full-day or half-day process, however, only 1 hour of time is required from the business partner or customer.

The 3-prong objective for Pull Conversation Panels is to:

  • Prepare your people to use ‘Pull’ with confidence and skill

  • Find uncommon solutions in dealing with specific business partners or customers

  • Have both parties understand the “way forward” to becoming true and productive partners

Pull Conversation Panels provides a unique opportunity to make great leaps in the caliber and effectiveness of key relationships with business partners and customers.

Pull Conversation is a way of communicating that quickly uncovers the business realities of all parties involved and enables decisions that produce better results and relationships.  It’s a skill building program that focuses on ‘understanding others’ reality’, skillfully, having them ‘understand your reality’, and then finding ‘the bigger reality’.  We define the ‘bigger reality’ as the uncommon and/or surprising solutions for significant opportunities or challenges. Those who use Pull Conversation skill sets are likely to make more productive decisions, experience fewer misunderstandings and earn greater levels of trust.

Pull Conversation is a stand-alone program but can also be strategically used as the ‘graduate’ level program for our Influence (formerly Tu Casa Mi Casa) program.  It can be used to brings skills gained in our Influence program to application using your company specific issues. It demonstrates how tackling issues by bringing tremendous emphasis to the other party's frame of reference, can address significant business opportunities and challenges.